Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gene Moreno

                                              By kiki

This T-shirt that everybody likes was given to me by my late friend Gene Moreno. Gene who was an L.A. County Deputy Sheriff had been in a motorcycle accident, and while recovering from the accident The Choir Boys M.C. threw a benefit run for him, at end of the run a few T’s like this one were given away. Gene, who worked out of the East Los Angeles station recovered and went back to work, but not long after that he was diagnosed with cancer. For about two years, he was in and out of the hospital and went through chemo more than once. Gene lost his fight against cancer on May 5, 2011…R.I.P Friend

Monday, December 30, 2013

Connie, Sancha and My Phone

By kiki

I laid my cell phone on top of the dinner table as I sat down for dinner; when Connie saw it, she asked me, “Is that your phone?” I told her yes that it was my phone, she then asked me “what is it doing here, are you expecting a call?” she was getting to me with her questions, so I answered her in a slight rise voice “yes!” “From sancha?” she asked. Again, but in a slightly higher rise voice, I said, “yes!!” I was just telling her what she wanted to hear, que no? but then she said, “tell her she can have you, tell her to take you away!” “she doesn’t have any money, so she can’t have me or take me, so I guess you just have to keep me,” I replied.

I think I am sleeping with the doggies tonight.

New Year in the Simons Brickyard

By kiki

New Year's Eve in Simons would find the Brick People eating left-over Christmas tamales and washing them down with shots of tequila, those that couldn't afford tequila, and most couldn't - would do so with cheap wine. 

As the sun would begin to set over the brickyard, the men would light up lumbritas (small fires) to gather around and play their lidas (guitars) and sing old Mexican songs. Their ladies, in a joyful mood, would join the festivities. With no cops to look over them, the men were free to build lumbritas in their backyards. And with the promise of better times to come with the new year, the men would sing romantic songs to their wives/girlfriends. Every now and then, a guy would be singing too romantic to somebody else's wife or girlfriend, and a fight would break out, only to end up with the two guys hugging each other as only compa's could. 

As the clock was nearing the midnight hour, the teenage couples would disappear into the cornfields, and as they were doing so, the old folks would bring out their old 44's. Then, as the clock struck 12 with gunshots in the background, the dancing, hugging, and kissing would start and wouldn't end till sun-up. The men without TVs to watch the Rose Parade or the Rose Bowl games in those cold 1940's winters would spend New Year's Day around the lumbritas making plans for the new year, and as they talk, a bottle or two would be passed around, a sip just to keep warm they would say. Then, in a day or two, the festivities would come to an end, and it was time to go back to las máquina's to start making bricks for the new year. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day after Christmas: 2013

By kiki

Well, here we are the day after Xmas 2013, and how did it go? I am sure for the family, it was indeed a bittersweet moment in time. It was so because we lost our precious great-granddaughter, Ashlynn Rea, a month after Xmas 2012: January 2013. Ashlynn was less than a year old when we lost her in a tragic accident.

On this Xmas morning, as we opened our presents, my mind flashed back to Xmas 2012, and for a brief moment in time, I thought I was seeing Ashlynn Rea opening up her presents, but when I came back to reality, she wasn’t there. To get over that bittersweet moment that came over me, I busied myself shooting pictures of the family opening their presents, but the image of Ashlynn Rea opening up her presents and smiling at me with her big blue eyes never left me. After that, the menudo and tamales somehow lost a bit of their taste. 

This was a story that had occurred before. Some years back, maybe ten, we lost our grandson Kody. Kody, a beautiful little boy, was about five years old when we lost him. I am sure that Ashlynn Rea and Kody opened the presents they received from God while we were opening our gifts. I am sure those two little guys are keeping their eyes on grandpa!!  And guys, soon we’ll be spending Christmas together again….Missing and loving you, My Little Angels.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Shampooing The Carpet

By kiki

I am damn tired: I just got done shampooing the carpet!! Yesterday Connie asked me to shampoo the carpet; I told her, "I can't; my back hurts" she replied, “you being saying your back hurts for the last fifty years, I don’t care if your back hurts or not, do the carpet or find yourself somebody else to support you!” Damn! That woman is tough!! I then tried telling her that the machine was broken, but that didn’t work because she brought it out and had it running; now my back is really hurting!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Menudo & Pozole

By kiki

One morning as Connie and I were sitting up in bed reading that day's newspaper, she said, just out of the blue, "I think this Christmas I'll make both menudo and pozole" 'say what?' I thought. Okay, Connie makes the best menudo in town, but pozole? She has never made pozole, so I asked her in mock surprise, "babe, you know how to make pozole? she answered, "nope," a classic Connie answer!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13, 1954: Gettin' Hitched

December 13, 1954: Gettin' Hitched

After many years of marriage, Connie and I are like bookends that hold a library of stories and memories of our shared past.

By kiki

On the afternoon of December 12, 1954, after eight months of courtship, Connie and I, with my sister Rachel and my Uncle John Adame, started out to Yuma, Arizona, to get hitched. I was driving a 1941 Chevy from my Uncle Max, Uncle John's younger brother. I didn't think my 1940 Chevy could have made the trip.

We drove all night to get to Yuma in an era of two-lane roads. I remember stopping once to get some sleep. - We arrived at the dusty Southwest town of Yuma, Arizona, on December 13 at 7:00 in the morning and quickly located a justice of the peace. We told him that we wanted to get hitched. When he asked how old I was, I told him that December 13 was my eighteenth birthday, and I showed him my California driver's license as proof. He wished me a happy birthday and then asked Connie's age. When she told him she was sixteen, he looked at her with a look that said, "who are you trying to kid, kid?" Connie then proceeded to show him a letter signed by her mother. The letter was bogus. In Arizona, then, a male had to be eighteen years old to get hitched, and a female had to be sixteen.

The Justice quickly put a marriage license in front of us. After we signed the document, the Justice asked who would be our witnesses. I told him my sister Rachel was the only witness we had and that my Uncle John was sitting in the car but couldn't come in because he couldn't walk. Uncle John had spent all his life in a wheelchair. The Justice said we needed two witnesses, so he asked his wife to come forward as a witness, which she did. Connie and I said "I do" to each other with background music.

7:30 AM, Connie and I walked out of the Justice of the peace office as a hitched couple with the marriage certificate in our hands.

We now needed something to eat. We drove around the then-small town of Yuma, looking for a coffee shop. We found one that looked like it might do, so I parked and told everybody that I would make sure it was open. As I approached the coffee shop's front, I noticed many white faces looking at me through a big window. I saw a sign on the window that read, "no color trade wanted." I was unsure that the sign pertained to us, but I wasn't taking any chances. I returned to the car and told everybody about the sign on the window. Uncle John, always the adventurer, wanted me to carry him inside the café, but I quickly nixed that idea.

Back on the road, we crossed into California and quickly found a coffee shop with no signs on the window. Because of Uncle John, we ordered take-out breakfasts.

After eating breakfast, Uncle John's adventurous streak reared its head again. With a map in hand, he said, "Let's take this road west." Well, "this road west" turned out to be no more than, figuratively, an old stagecoach trail.

The 1941 Chevy that I had borrowed from my Uncle Max was a low rider: its front and rear suspension had been dropped more than a few notches so that it would barely clear a speed bump, and it had twin pipes with a split manifold. The road was very rough, with lots of potholes and bumps. After hitting a hole, the pipes dragged on the ground and broke the split manifold; now, we were on the road with no mufflers. After what seemed like a lifetime, we finally returned to Pico, now Pico River. Connie and I lived in a camping trailer my maternal grandparents had in their backyard for the rest of December. As Connie and I were listening to R & B music on the radio on our first Christmas night together as husband and wife, the DJ broke in with the news that the great Johnny Ace had shot and killed himself.

Connie and I moved into an apartment in Montebello, Ca. in January of 1955. Then, in 1957, we moved to East Los Angeles, where we lived (in different locations) for the next 12 years.

Fast forward several decades. 

2021: We now have several children, a significant number of grandchildren, some great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.

The critics back in '54 said our marriage wouldn't last, that we were too young and that it was just puppy love... So to the nay-sayers, I say, well, here we are, we may have fewer teeth and less hair and a few, no make that, lots more pounds, but I think we've made it.

In the intervening years, we have gotten old together, and it has been a joy doing so - And so, after six-plus decades, our memories are still intact for us to draw on in times of joy and sorrow.

On a sad note: 2012

I would like to thank everybody that sends Happy Birthday/Anniversary wishes my/our way. It was a bittersweet day for me. I got to celebrate my birthday and anniversary with Connie and family, but on this date (2004), my beautiful older sister, Rachel, passed away. December 13 has always been a special day in our household, now more so than ever…Rachel, my beautiful sister, may you Rest In Peace. Give Mom, Pops, and Petunia, a big hug for me, and tell them we will soon meet again.


We will celebrate our anniversary and my birthday with joy and sadness.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Living in the past

                                               By kiki

Living in the past? Unfortunately, or maybe, fortunately, depending on your perspective, the past is all some of us have left. I was talking to my friend Don Fraser and he was telling me that unlike some people he doesn't like living in the past, he said he like to think about the future, I then asked him how old he was, I knew how he old was, but I asked him to make a point, "I am 87 years old" said Don," Don at 87, how much of a future do you think you have?" I asked him, I, then proceeded to tell him, "Don, you and I only have two things now, we have the past and we have today, today is our future, and if tomorrow comes for us, well, that's just a bonus....I think I left him feeling somewhat depressed...P.S. Don thinks I am crazy...:)