By KiKi
Starting in the .mid-'60's, Memorial Day and other national holidays were a time for us to hit the road to the Eastern Sierra via highway 395. We made our first trip to the Sierra in a 1958 Chevy pickup. After returning from that first trip, I sold the pickup and bought a 1966 ¾-ton Chevy pickup with an 8-foot cab-over camper. We kept that pickup for about 4 years and then purchased a 19-foot Dodge motorhome. By the mid-1970, we were ready for a newer and bigger motorhome, so we bought (what turned out to be our last motorhome) a 24-foot 1975 Dodge. - From the mid-'60s till the early-'90's opening day of the trout season was reserved for guys-only trips. The national holidays were a family affair.
With the pickups and motorhomes, we could camp in many different campgrounds, which are in abounds along highway 395. By 2001, the 1975 Dodge motorhome had been sitting, without being used, in our driveway for about 6 years. At that time, I decided to donate it to some worthy cause; I don't remember what that worthy cause was, though - Nowadays, for the opening weekend (still a guy's thing) and closing weekend, my boys and I, with some friends, go to the June Lake Loop where we rent some cabins. The family trips (the last one was early-'90s) are a thing of the past as our kids are grown (read old) up and have lives of their own. Plus, some live out of state. I make fewer trips to the Eastern Sierra in my old age, but the memories of those trips of yore live on.