By kiki
My imaginary friend Beto paid me a visit today. It had been months since I heard from him. I was dozing off in the backyard while getting some sun rays when a loud voice brought me out of mi rinconcito oscuro (my litter dark corner) that I favor in my head when I am looking for some peace and quiet.
"Orale pues, what's happening, brother?" Beto yelled into my good ear. The dude scared me, what with his Lone Ranger mask and his reeking of alcohol; I almost jumped out of my skin. Once I recovered, I asked him where the in hell he had he being at. "rehab, dude, rehab," he answered. I thanked him for wearing a mask (the mask only covered his eyes area) "pues tu sabes, gotta be careful con la pinche 'Rona," I asked him where his sidekick Chuy was, "I don't really know, but I heard that he got deported to TJ." Connie came out as we were doing the good luck fist bump. "Are you talking to your friends again?" she asked. I told her that I was talking to Beto but that Beto was only visiting. "Don't invite him for dinner" I turned around to tell Beto that he wasn't welcome to dinner, but he was already hiding. He is afraid of Connie.
As soon as Connie returned to the house, Beto showed his Lone Ranger face again, 'is she gone? " he asked, almost in a whisper. "Yeah, she went back inside," I replied. "Anyways, as I was hiding from Connie el Pinche, Chuy called me from Tijuana (both use throw-away cell phones); he wants to make it back to la Ciudad de Los Angelitos (City of Angels). No quiere vender naranjas en las calles de Tijuana pa pagarle al coyote (Chuy doesn't want to sell oranges in the Tijuana streets to pay the coyote). You wanna come with me and see if we can sneak him across the border?" Chale, not me!