Sunday, November 17, 2024

"Our Last Dance"

"Our Last Dance"
By kiki
This morning, I did something I hadn't done in years: I danced with Connie. "Say what? No way!" you say.
It's sad but true. How did it happen that we danced this morning??

Well, listening to music about love ❤️ won and love 💔lost (both in Spanish and English; some of the Spanish songs are really tearjerkers) all by myself in our bedroom most of the morning, I was feeling kinda melancholy, so when Connie walked into our bedroom I without thinking uttered the words" "would you like to dance"?" She said yes, and so with Johnny River's swaying to the music on the turntable, we swayed to the music without moving from the same spot we started from…As I walked her to the door, I felt memories rolling down my face.
Dancing with Connie this morning was a bittersweet moment in time because we both felt we'd had our last dance together, so we gave each other a tight squeeze at the end of our "Last Dance."
All real