Sunday, July 21, 2013

"I was going to get off anyway"

By kiki

You should use your imagination to understand this story. Imagine two streets, one going east and west, the second going north off of the first street, like a T. One day in the early '50s, I, with some other guys; were at my Uncle John Adame's Ibsen Sreet Pico Rivera house porch, which faced north, dead center on the T. While shooting the bull, we noticed a kid riding his bike fast and hitting the brakes hard. He hit the gravel at the T and spun his bike around as he did so. He did this once too many times because the bike finally threw his butt off. He went down hard but been a tough kid; he got up and dusted himself off; as he was dusting himself off, he noticed that we guys were having a good laugh at his expense; he looked at us and said: “that’s okay, I was going to get off anyway”...Memories like this are what makes life in this cruel world worthwhile!!

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