Sunday, January 5, 2014

My Strong as a Horse Woman

                                                    By kiki

My strong as a horse-woman, Connie, is as sick as I have seen her in years. Connie is one of those women that doesn’t get sick often. When she been sick in the past, it was usually a sickness that would send her on a short vacation, to the hospital!  Not to a resort island. Connie has a nasty, nasty cold, the kind of cold that comes with a nasty cough, a cough that you need have to hold your ribs to keep them from breaking when you cough up. Not to mention the farting and peeing that comes every time you cough…Connie is so sick that she will get breakfast in bed today, she will also get lots of loving to help her get well fast. I hope she doesn’t get spoil though and turn the table on me!!...I hope nobody else at home get sick, and that includes me!

I guess the cold drugs I gave Connie have kicked in because she is been her ornery self again. Watching the football game and a GMC Sierra truck commercial came on and I said "man, what a beautiful truck! I wish I could have one" she turned around and said to me "what for? you're going to die pretty soon" Damn!!

The Next Day

Connie is still under the weather, so am I, but not as bad as her, so it was up to me to fix us a late breakfast of bacon and egg sandwiches. After having our sandwiches and coffee in bed, she told me "now go clean the mess you made in the kitchen" Dude! do I have to clean the kitchen too? And how did she know I made a big mess in the kitchen, must have X-Ray eyes!!!

Day three

Today, Tuesday, January 7, 2014, finds Connie and I still in bed with the flu, I got it from her! I had been awake for a bit when she opened her eyes, as she did so I told her “baby, I am sick” she replied with this “I am sick too but, do you hear me saying that? You men are such whiners, men-up dude!” Damn!! I didn’t know what to say after that, so I just told her that it was in our male genes to whine…I'd say that Connie is as strong as a horse, didn't I?
Day Four 

I am still sick, Connie is up and around. She asked me what I wanted for dinner, I told her that a pork chop with Bush's Bake Beans and a green salad would do, she told me "I don't think so" Damn woman, why do you ask me what I want for dinner then?!!

I lost track of the days

This flu is wicked. Connie seems to be getting along okay, still coughing a bit, but, otherwise doing good, the bad news is; James is now down for the eight count. As for me, I am still down, but, I being sicker before, so I think I’ll survive to get well and get sick again in the days, weeks and month ahead.


  1. Did she go to the doctors? I was sick like that too, thinking it was a cold, went to Urgent care and they said it was a sinus infection that could turn into bronchitis. I've never suffered from sinus and I told him that but he said that was what it was, gave me meds for it and I felt 100% better over night. Cough stopped almost immediately and my ears feel better too.
    Hope she feels better soon. Annie
