Sunday, September 24, 2017

US Constitution and Kneeing in Protest

By kiki 

Here are a few words on my take on the NBA and NFL players taking a knee in protest as the National Anthem is sung. 

I think the black, and some white ones too, players are within their rights (though I wouldn't do it, I would fight to the end for their right to do so) under the US Constitution to take a knee to protest peacefully against what they feel is unjust racist treatment. 
President Trump is just pouring gas on the nation's racist flames with his over-heated statements, such as this one "Get that son of bitch off the field right now. He's fired. He's fired!" Trump and others against the kneeing need to sit down and read the constitution: The US Constitution is a unique document that our young men and women have fought mightily and gallantly to defend against foreign and domestic enemies. - Now, as to the people, some are my dear relatives and good friends,  that argue that their sons, fathers, and other loved ones fought wars or are serving in the military and feel disrespected by the players kneeling; they need to understand that they fought/are fighting to defend the same constitution that gives the players the right to protest as they see fit, as long it is done peacefully. My friends, you can not have it both ways; you can not want your freedom and, at the same time, try to take it away from people expressing their views simply because you disagree with their opinions. Unfortunately, some of my friends/family, when they see the folly of their constitutional argument, go by the wayside and fall back on the Holy Bible to try to convince themselves and us of their righteousness. But the founding fathers were intelligent; they knew that religion had no place in our government, thus 'Separation of church and state was inserted into the most significant document ever written by men.


  1. This started last season if I remember Obama was President when kap started this but Trump is a big guy he'll shoulder the blame.

    1. Agree, Obama was Pres. when this all started, but, unless I missed something, Obama never made crazy noises on this subject like trump has. As for Trump shouldering the blame, yes, he needs to take responsiblity for his crazy talk.
