Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Shooting The Messenger

By kiki

Lately, I have had some Facebook friends and relatives who are Trump supporters attack me, and others for posting articles that are not kind to Trump, even if written by conservative Republican authors. "Oh really" was one comment posted on my post of an article written by long-time Republican David Frum. I am sure the comment poster didn't even read the article because he didn't mention one thing in the article. That was followed by a rant about God and the Devil. One friend ran off the rails with his comments that I had to block him.

Now, I don't have a problem with those that believe in Trump; they, like the rest of us, are entitled to their opinion. But I think that instead of attacking the messenger, they should defend Trump's childish antics. They should read the articles and then point out what facts the authors got wrong. Instead of shooting the messenger, they should defend Trump's mocking of a disabled reporter, his insulting of people, his degrading of women, and his lie after lie. Finally, they should let us know how all that is okay with them because if they accept Trump, they own his actions.     


  1. I agree with you Kiki. My problem with the current political debate is I just don't know what is true anymore. It has been shown that things are taken out of context or sometimes just entirely fabricated. I feel like iI am listening to a debate between a fox and a scorpion-- I don't know who to believe anymore.
