By kiki
One early morning about three weeks ago, I was awakened from a deep dream by a loud thump; at first, I didn't give it much thought. But then I notice that Connie was not in bed, so, like Sherlock Holmes, I got up to investigate the missing wife. I found her on the floor, in a heap by the foot of the bed. I then noticed that her eyes were closed and that she wasn't moving. The first thought that came to my mind was that she had taken the journey to the other side, but as I was reaching out to touch her to make sure if she was still with us or not, she opened one eye and said: "damn it, kiki, will you please help me up?" I think I heard "please" not sure, though. Connie is not a big woman; she tips the scales at about 135 pounds, give-or-take a couple of pounds. But, I'll be darn if I could pick her up, so I said to her, "stay here and try to relax while I call AAA so they can send a tow truck" As I walked out of the room to ask Fernie to come and help me pick her up I thought I heard the word "cabron" After we had her safely back in bed I asked her as to what had happened. She said that she wasn't sure; she said she had gotten up to go to the bathroom and that after taking two or three steps, her left ankle gave out (she broke the same ankle about ten years ago, she still has nuts and bolts on it) causing her to fall. By late afternoon her left pezuña (hoof) was black and blue, and her ribs hurt. The following day I asked her to call and make an appointment with her doctor, she never did. Finally, last week, and only because her pezuña was hurting a lot when she walked, she called her doctor. X-rays showed that she had broken her pinky toe. Her doctor then sent her to a hoof specialist, which she saw today. She was outfitted with a boot that looks like it once belonged to Frankenstein; she will have to wear the Frankenstein boot for six weeks.
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