By KiKi
In the early 1980s, Jimmy Montoya had a fighter fighting the main event as an "opponent" at the Olympic Auditorium in The City of Angels. The fighter, now long forgotten, fought for a guaranteed purse of $2,500.00 for the ten-round fight.
The bell sounded for the first round; a few feeling-out blows were thrown in the first minute and a half. Around the second-minute mark, Jimmy's fighter took a decent punch to the chin, but it was no knockdown punch; nevertheless, Jimmy's fighter hit the canvas.
As soon as his fighter hit the canvas, Jimmy started yelling at him to get up, but all Jimmy got from the fighter was a wink and a nod. Finally, when the referee reached ten, the fighter jumped up to his feet.
Once they were down in the catacombs, as the Olympic Auditorium dressing rooms were known, Jimmy asked his fighter, "Why the hell didn't you get up?" The fighter replied to Jimmy's question, whom he called Pappy, "how much am I getting paid for the fight, Pappy?" "You know you're getting twenty-five hundred dollars," Jimmy answered him. "Right, twenty-five hundred if I go one round or ten rounds, right? So what's the difference other than taking less of a beating if I go one or ten rounds? None! The fighter answered his own rhetorical question: "You have a point, son; let's go to the box office and cash your check so I can get my one-third."
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