Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Lawn

                                                By kiki

I told Connie I was going to be outside watering the front lawn and she started laughing, I asked her what she was laughing about and she replied "what lawn?" She does have a point. Late last year there were some weeds, okay, lots of weeds, growing in the front yard lawn (St. Augustine) So, I went out and bought some weed killer. I sprayed it and I waited for a couple of days for the weeds to die, they didn't, so I went out and bought some more weed killer, sprayed it and again I waited. This time, my wait was not in vain because the weeds died, BUT so did the St. Augustine!!...Now the lawn looks like an Arizona Lawn, brown and dead!! And Connie is still laughing!!!    

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Old Ladies Gossiping

By kiki

I remember when I was a kid and hearing the old ladies chismosas gossiping over the fence before sunup: "did you know Concha is sleeping with Chuy?" "Si and just wait till Chuy's wife, Rosa, finds out, there is going to be bloody hell to pay" Those were the days of a kid growing up in the Simons Brickyard.