Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ashlynn Rae Baltazar...2012-2013

Our beautiful great-granddaughter has left us to be with her better angels.....We love you, Mija


                                                Our sweet Angel, Ashlynn Rae
                                              "With Brave Wings, she Flies."

With beautiful blue eyes and a perfect smile, our great-granddaughter was called home yesterday (1-27-2013) by God to join her cousin, Kody James Baltazar (10-31-1995--5-20-2001). The two Angels are now soaring in Heaven in their beautiful wings, keeping an eye on those of us still walking this earth.

Her parents, Ryan and Donelle/ were in Heaven when little Ashlynn was born. It was easy to see the love they both had for little Ashlynn.

In her short time with us, Ashlynn Rae gave us all much happiness. She was the sparkle in her grandparent's eyes, Jack Dennison, Bobby, and Kathy Baltazar.

Ashlynn was loved and missed by all her aunts, uncles, and cousins.

As for us, Connie and I, we lost a piece of our hearts and are devastated by the loss of our beautiful Ashlynn Rae. 

Our heart aches for Ashlynn’s aunts, uncles, and cousins, but most of all for her parents, Ryan, Donelle, and grandparents, Bobby and Kathy Baltazar and Jack Dennison. Love you guys!

The whole family joined Ryan and Donelle in mourning the loss of their beautiful child, Ashlynn Rae. May God bless Ashlynn Rae, and may she look over us.

It is said that grown men never cry, but as I write this in the stillness of my bedroom, tears are freely flowing down my face.

November 27, 2013

Ryan's Letter to Ashlynn Rae

To my Boogey Ashlynn Rae,
I don't know where to begin...I know I've wanted to write you this for a long time, and I could not muster up the strength or courage to do it for the longest time. I've wanted to tell you all the things I will never get a chance to say to you. Here goes nothing. I want to open this with a prayer I found.

"Lord, you invite us to place our burdens and cares in your hands. Accept my sorrows as I grieve the loss of my child. Sustain me as I am overwhelmed with grief's agony.

I believe my baby lives now with you and that someday we will be together in heaven. Until then, please give me the grace to see the light of eternity as I face the darkness of death. Settle my soul and help me find peace. Amen"
It's funny how I can recall all the moments in your life in detail but will forget to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer when your mommy tells me to. I still remember exactly where I was, what was going through my head, and even what I was wearing when your mom told me she was pregnant with you, and how it made me feel. I was scared yet full of nervous anticipation, but I was full of excitement at the same time. From day one, everything and anything that had to do with you was an adventure. Your conception was a surprise but a welcome step forward for our family. Your announcement brought a ray of sunshine to many members of the family who needed some comfort during trying times. Whether it was grieving from the loss of your Great Grandma Sally or trying to cope with another issue life had given us, you lifted the spirits of everyone and raised the hopes for the future. It's funny how God knows to send an angel when we need one. I remember the joy everyone expressed when we told them the news. Your grandparents were so excited about becoming papa and g-ma for the first time. Auntie’s Jordyn and Breanne were on cloud nine upon hearing they would have a niece to smother with love and spoil with gifts. Not to mention the idea of future sleepovers and play dates and sharing in all the other beautiful things aunties get to be a part of.  All the cousins were thrilled to hear of the new addition to the family. One, in particular, was our cousin Ashley; she too found out that she and Mike were going to be having a baby girl. We wasted no time planning the future for you two. Birthdays, holidays, and trips to Disneyland and Disneyworld with everyone. You two were going to be our new Disney Princesses.    It was incredible how one little life could make such an impact. To be continued.....

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Migra Raid

By kiki

One summer morning circa 1948, the La Migra (immigration) threw a raid on the Simons Brickyard. They drove up with several migra buses. They then round up the workers since every worker who worked in the yard was Latino/Mexican. I stood watching as the workers were lined up to get into the buses. As I watched, I spotted my dad, who was in line to get into one of the buses. Not knowing any better at age twelve, or so, I ran to my dad and said to him: "Pops, they can't take you, you have papers, you're legal" I said that because I had overheard some migra agent ask some of the workers something about "your papers" I didn't know anything about "papers" I just assumed my pops had them.

"Hijo (son), let me get on the bus. La migra will be passing out sandwiches, and after I get some, I'll get off," my Pops whisper to me. Not long after, my pops walked off the bus, eating a baloney and cheese sandwich and another one he gave to me. Later at home, he told us how when the la migra agent passed out the sandwiches, my Pops asked him in excellent English if he could have two sandwiches since he had not had breakfast yet. Pops said the agent told him, "you speak excellent English for a Mexican" Pops replied to the agent: "I should, I've been here all my life and went to the local schools" My Pops said the agent threw two sandwiches at him and told him to get his ass off the bus. I wonder how Pop knew about the sandwiches, I asked him, and he said to me that this was not the first time he had pulled this scam. Pops was an honest man, but in those years, you did whatever you had to do to get something to eat besides; getting it from la migra felt good, he said!!

I later learned that many illegals worked at the brickyard since about 30% of the workers were taken away. By the following summer, most of them were back working at the brickyard. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mother of All Colds

                                      Mother of All Colds
                                              By kiki

I have the mother of all colds and Connie is calling me a crybaby "man-up, I have a bad cold too and you don't hear me crying" she yelled at me...I told her "yes, but like all women you are as tough as a horse and we men are fragile, you have to handle us with kid gloves" "Now you're calling me a horse?" she replied. "Sorry babe, I should have said 'mule' instead of horse" I replied to her...If looks could kill I wouldn't have to worry about my mother of all colds!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Life is traveled only once

Life is traveled only once
                                                   By kiki

Life is traveled only once..Today's moments becomes tomorrow's memories. Enjoy every moment; good, bad, happy, or sad; because the gift of life is LIFE itself....Asking all my family and friends to join me in laughing a little louder, smiling a little larger, dreaming a little further, loving a little extra, living a little happier. And making life a little brighter for those around us!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


                                                    By kiki

Well, the New Year is here and I woke up to find that things are still the same as they were yesterday, the last day of the old year. So I guess that things don’t change just because we head into a new year, maybe for some they do, for the ones that make New Year Resolutions and are able to keep them, though I don’t think many are able to keep them for long, It took me years to keep one….One new year back in the ‘70s I was making a new year resolution to quit smoking and drinking while I had a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other, I guess I was trying to fool myself, but hey! I enjoyed my cigarettes and my beer back then! And I’d keep my New Year resolution! Though many years later. And it took a little help from my cancer friend.

No New Year resolutions from me this year, just going to keep being myself and enjoy life with Connie and all the kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids while I can.

With the passing years, Connie, who has been the greatest wife, friend, and lover and I have gotten old together and now find ourselves into the winter season of our lives. It has been a long four seasons to be sure. But, for the most part, it’s been a good life. We've had some rough patches in our long journey, no doubt about that, but we worked them out to make it happily into what is now the winter season of our lives.