Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ah Memories: Rag Mop!!

By kiki

Rag Mop: This tune brings back many memories from my early teens (early 1950's). The song, a 12-bar blues, written by Tulsa Western Swing bandleader Johnnie Lee Wills and steel guitarist Deacon Anderson and performed by Lionel Hampton (vocals by The Hamptons) and published in 1949, was huge back in the mid-20th century among the Simons Brickyard (a company town) teenagers and young adults.

It was played and danced repeatedly at house parties and Friday night dances held at the Vail Elementary School Auditorium…I close my eyes and see my older late sister Rachel and her friends, Josie, Rosie, Lucy, et al. doing the jitterbug with guys like Beto, Tony, Chuy, and others at whatever house parties we 13-14-year-old teens were allowed to attend….To attend the Vail Elementary School Auditorium dances, one needed to be at least 15 years old, leaving us young teens out in the cold…At times, we tried to crash the dances, only to be thrown out on our butts by the older guys.

After we were thrown out one Friday night, we young kids climbed a knoll that used to overlook the auditorium. From that vantage point, we used our primitive slingshots (2 leather bands attached to a shoe tongue) and papered the auditorium's roof with rocks.
At one point, the school principal, Mr. Bellamy (he had to be there for the 15 and over-crowd to hold their dances), came out to investigate only to be met by a hail of rocks; he then ran back inside. We left feeling good: thinking that we had gotten our revenge over the older teens, young adults, and Mr. Bellamy...Us younger teens never did get a chance to attend a dance at the Vail Elementary School Auditorium because not long after our slingshot assault, both the school and brickyard were closed.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Connie and the Guy’s Rent Money

By kiki

I had gotten 6 comps tickets from Don Chargin for the 1972 Rodolfo Gonzalez vs. Chango Carmona fight at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. So I took my wife, Connie, and our one and only daughter, Linda, and our three sons, Fernie, Anthony, and Bobby (now we have four sons), to see the fight. 

We were 15 or18 or so rows from ringside; in front of us was a guy with thousands of dollars, and he was putting all the money on Carmona. So every time he made a bet, all funds were given to Connie to hold. When the Carmona fan was down to his last $100, he couldn't find any more takers, so I went for it and took his bet. 

Well, you should have seen the rush of guys trying to get their money from Connie after Rodolfo won, she didn't know who was who, I got my two hundred dollars from her and told her just give the money to whoever said they won and let's get the hell out of here, which we did, and the guy that lost?
I thought he was going to cry. I suspect he probably lost the rent money.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

2016 Presidential Pretenders

By kiki

My take on the 2016 presidential pretenders:

Marco Rubio: Dennis The Menace: Rubio acts like a pre-teen.

Donald Trump: Bozo The Clown: Trump is a cartoonish character

Ted Cruz: Adolf Hitler: Cruz wants total world domination, there is a video of a young Cruz saying just that.

John Kasich: Rodney Dangerfield: poor John can’t get-no-respect.

Hillary Clinton: Ma Barker: the trust thing hangs over her like a dark rain cloud.

Bernie Sanders: Robin Hood: wants to take from the rich and give it to the poor, and that might not be a bad idea because I could use a few coins myself.