Wednesday, November 9, 2011

“Mama Lupe’s Apricots

By kiki

Everybody in the Simons Brickyard where I grew up had animals and fruit trees. My grandma "Mama Lupe" had a few trees. Including un árbol de Chavacano (an apricot tree). My cousins Robert, Jesus, and I would steal her Chavacano when they were still green; we would eat them with salt, man, were they good!. One day she busted us stealing the green Chavacano, and I knew we were in trouble when she came running out of the house with a belt.

"Roberto, ven aqui" (Robert, come here) she said to Robert.
She put her hands in Robert's pockets and pulled the green Chavacano out, and whacked him one with the belt.

She then called Jesus and did the same thing; while she was whacking Jesus, I walked to the outhouse and threw my loot down the hole; when she went through my pockets, she didn't find any goodies.

But the following day, when I went to her house, she got a hold of me.

"Tu piensa que eras muy vivo, que no" (You think you are really smart, don't you?) Whack went the belt!

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